Showing posts with label MG. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MG. Show all posts

Signals And Communication Systems Previous Year Question Paper - MG University BTech

This is the previous year question paper (2014 May) of signals and communication systems (SCS) paper of BTech Computer Science and Engineering under MG university (MGU).


Branch : Computer Science and Engineering


(New Scheme-2010 Admission onwards) [Regular/Improvement/Supplementary]

Time : Three Hours
Maximum:100 Marks
Part A
Answer all questions.
Each question carries 3 marks.

1. Enumerate the properties of the signals. Explain any two.
2. Define and explain Noise. List the types of noise
3. What is the difference between PPM and PDM ? Explain in detail.
4. What is the principle of WDM ? Mention the types of WDM.
5. Explain the properties of hamming codes.

(5*3=15 marks)
Part B
Answer all questions.
Each question carries 5 marks.

6. Define and explain CTFS .
7. Differentiate Twisted pair from coaxial cables. Explain.
8. What is OOK ? Bring out its mathematical representation .
9. Explain the principles of Half and Full duplex transmissions with neat diagrams.
10. Give an account on "Baudot code".
(5*5=25 marks)

Part C
Answer all questions.
Each full question carries 12 marks.

11. (i) State and explain sampling theorem.
(ii) Prove the properties of CTFS.
12. Differentiate continuous time signals from discrete time signals with examples. Explain the difference.

13. Define and explain typical parameters of communication systems.
14. State and explain Shannon Hartley theorem. Derive an expression for Channel capacity of a Noisy channel.

15. Explain AM,PM and FM in detail with neat diagrams. Bring out their mathematical representations.
16. Compare and contrast the parameters of different modulation formats. Explain the comparison in detail.

17. Explain the principles of TDM and FDM in detail with neat diagrams .
18. Explain the basic concept of SONET with neat diagrams.

19. Explain the properties and advantages of Linear block codes. Drive its code vector.
20. Write technical notes on:
(ii) Parity coding
(iii) Syndrome calculator.
(5*12=60 marks)

Fifth Semester BTech Computer Science and IT Mathematics Previous Year Question 2014

Previous year question paper 2014

Subject : Engineering Mathematics IV (EN010501 B)
Course : BTech Engineering
Department: Computer Science and Engineering and IT (Information Technology)
Semester: fifth semester (s5)
University : MG university Kottayam kerala

Fourier Series Textbook

A textbook for chapter ( Module ) Fourier series. Fourier Series  is included in Mathematics Syllabus for Bachelor Degrees including BTech (Engineering) in most universities. Download pdf BTech maths text for MG University on Fourier series
Download here

Syllabus for First Year Btech under MG University (combined Ist & IInd Sem) (Common for all branches)


Credits: 5
Teaching Scheme
2 hour lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week

MODULE I (18 hours) - MATRIX
Elementary transformation – echelon form – rank using elementary transformation by reducing in to echelon
form – solution of linear homogeneous and non – homogeneous equations using elementary transformation.
Linear dependence and independence of vectors – eigen values and eigen vectors – properties of eigen values
and eigen vectors(proof not expected) – Linear transformation – Orthogonal transformation –
Diagonalisation – Reduction of quadratic form into sum of squares using orthogonal transformation – Rank,
index, signature of quadratic form – nature of quadratic form

BTech Computer Science and Engineering Fourth Semester Syllabus - MG University

This post contains the syllabus for Fourth semester BTech Computer Science and Engineering from Mahatma Gandhi University (MG University), Kottayam. Click here to download pdf

EN 010 401 ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS III (Common to all branches)

Teaching scheme Credits: 4
2 hours lecture and 2 hour tutorial per week


Dirichlet conditions - Fourier series with period 2π and 2l - Half range sine and cosine series - Harmonic Analysis - r.m.s Value