How to Connect Windows 8 or 8.1 Compuer to Internet by USB Tethering Android Phone

Let me tell you first that USB tethering is the process of sharing the internet connection of your Android phone with your PC or laptop through USB connection. In Windows 7, Windows Vista and Linux, USB tethering works so easily that we just have to enable packet data, connect phone through USB and enable 'USB tethering' in Settings. Above mentioned operating systems automatically install the required drivers. And within few minutes, the system will connect to Internet through your USB connected Android phone. But it is not that much easy in Windows 8 or Windows 8.1. We have to manually install the driver for the Android device to enable USB tethering. In this post, I will show you how to enable USB tethering in Windows 8 and Windows 8.1.

1. First of All, enable packet data in your Android phone which you internet connection with it.
enable packet data turn on shortcut notification connect laptop computer to internet using Android samsung phone usb tethering
Enable packet data on your Android phone

2. Connect your Phone with PC or Laptop using USB cable.
3. Enable 'USB tethering' in the Phone.

     Goto settings and find the option 'USB tethering' and check (mark with tick) it. This option may be placed in different places in diffrerent phones.
4. In your computer, just right click on My Computer and select 'Manage'. Under 'System Tools', select 'Device Manager'.

right click my computer open manage select system tools open device manager samsung galaxy android phone usb tethering windows 8 8.1 to connect to internet computer
Open Device manager

5. Find your Android phone device in the list of devices. It may be under 'Other devices'. It will have a warning symbol with it.

share internet on Android phone with PC computer laptop using via USB tehtering no wifi

In my case, it is a SAMSUNG phone. So you can see 'SAMSUNG_Android' in 'other devices' in above screen-shot.

6. Right click on that device and select 'Update Driver software'.

A window will appear as shown in following screenshot.

Install RNDS remote communication network adapter driver for Android phone to coonect Windows 8 or 8.1 PC or laptop computer to internet

7. Select 'Browse My Computer for Driver software'.

8. Click the option 'Let me choose from a list of device drivers on my computer'.

9. In the next coming screen, select 'Network Adapters' as type of device and click 'Next'

Install RNDS remote communication network adapter driver for Android phone to coonect Windows 8 or 8.1 PC or laptop computer to internet

10. In the coming screen, Select 'Microsoft' as Manufacturer and 'Remote NDIS based internet sharing device' as network adapter and click 'Next'.

Install RNDS remote communication network adapter driver for Android phone to coonect Windows 8 or 8.1 PC or laptop computer to internet

11. Click 'Yes' in the warning dialogue box that will appear.

Install RNDS remote communication network adapter driver for Android phone to coonect Windows 8 or 8.1 PC or laptop computer to internet
Select yes

12. Installation of driver will be completed within a few moments. After installation id over, close all windows. Your Windows 8 or 8.1 Personal Computer or laptop will connect to Internet within few minutes automatically. If it is not connected, just disconnect the phone and reconnect. And enable 'USB tethering' in phone settings. Wait a few minutes. Your computer will connect to Internet.

The following video will help you to understand it better.

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