Web Technologies Previous Year Question Paper - Computer Science - BTech - MG University

Web technologies (WT) previous year question paper for seventh semester (s7) Computer Science and Engineering BTech Degree Examination under MGU (MG University) syllabus.

Seventh Semester
Branch Computer Science and Engineering
(New Scheme 2010 Admission onwards)

Time: Three Hours
Maximum 100 Marks

Part A.
Answer all questions.
Each question carries 3 marks

  1. What are character entities ?
  2. Explain XML document structure.
  3. What are Perl scalars ?
  4. Mention the origins and uses of PHP.
  5. How do rails work with databases ?

Part B
Answer all questions.
Each Question carries 5 marks.

  1. Explain ordered lists and unordered lists with an example
  2. What is DTD ? Give the declaration syntax for internal and external DTDs.
  3. List and explain any five string functions in Perl.
  4. Explain about relational operators in PHP.
  5. Describe the rails layout template.

(5 x 5 = 25 marks)

Part C
Answer all questions.
Each question carries 12 marks.

  1. Discuss about the syntax and example of anchor tags and href tags.
    (12 marks)
  2. Explain CSS syntax using selector, property and value for assigning style properties
    (12 marks)
  3. (a) List the basic rules of XML.
    (6 marks)
    b) Explain the need for using document type definitions
    (6 marks)
  4. With suitable examples explain simple and complex data types in ХМL Schema.
    (12 marks)
  5. (a) Explain string functions in Perl with suitable examples
    (6 marks)
    (b) Give the syntax and example of Foreach statement in Perl.
    (6 marks)
  6. Write a program to create a hash with a set of student-name and student-id pairs. Populate the hash with five sets of data. Prompt the user for student-id and print both the details.
    (12 marks)
  7. Explain the two types of arrays in PHP with suitable examples.
    (12 marks)
  8. What is a Cookie? Explain with PHP sample code how to create, read and delete a cookie.
    (12 marks)
  9. Illustrate with meat diagrams and explain the traditional and ajax browser-server interactions.
    (12 marks)
  10. Explain how rails implements ajax in detail.
    (12 marks)
[5 × 12 = 60 marks]

Object Oriented Modeling and Design (OOMD) Previous Question Paper - S7 BTech Computer Science

Object Oriented Modeling and Design (OOMD) previous year question paper for Seventh semester (s7) BTech Degree computer science and engineering under MG University (MGU) syllabus.

Seventh Semester
Branch : Computer Science and Engineering
(New Scheme - 2010 Admissions onwards)

Time : Three Hours
Maximum : 100 Marks

Part A
Answer all questions.
Each question carries 3 marks.

  1. Describe object modeling.
  2. What is an event and a state ?
  3. How is a target system organised using system design.
  4. What are the steps involved in object design.
  5. Mention the purpose of use case diagrams.

(5 × 3 = 15 marks)

Part B
Answer all questions.
Each question carries 5 marks.

  1. Explain link attributes and role names.
  2. Describe how operations are controlled ?
  3. Differentiate between dynamic modeling and functional modeling.
  4. List the steps to be performed by the designer during object design.
  5. Describe the class notation with an example.

(5 x 5 = 25 marks)

Part C
Answer all questions.
Each question carries 12 marks.

  1. Describe the various stages involved in the object oriented methodology.
  2. Explain in detail about the three types of object oriented models.
  3. Describe process and data flows used in data flow diagrams.
  4. Explain the following:
    (i) Entry and Exit Actions;
    (ii) Internal Actions.
  5. Explain in detail the common architectural frameworks.
  6. Describe the handling of the boundary conditions of a system.
  7. Explain the process of combining the three models to obtain operation on classes.
  8. Describe the approaches to implementation of control in object design.
  9. Explain the primary goals in the design of unified modelling language.
  10. Illustrate the sequence diagram symbols and briefly explain the notations.
(5 x 12 = 60 marks)

High Performance Computer Previous Year Question Paper - Eight Semester BTech Computer Science

high performance computing (HPC) previous year question paper - eighth semester (s8) computer science and engineering Btech degree under MG university (MGU).


Eighth Semester
Branch : Computer Science and Engineering
(New Scheme 2010 admission onwards)

Time : Three Hours
Maximum : 100 Marks

Part A
Answer all questions.
Each question carries 3 marks.

  1. State Amdahl's law.
  2. Mention the principles of linear pipelining.
  3. Write the features of Mesh connected networks.
  4. Give the advantages in using non-uniform memory access model.
  5. What is meant by grain packing and scheduling in parallel processing ?

(5 x 3 = 15 marks)

Part B
Answer all questions.
Each question carries 5 marks.

  1. List any five contributions of Indians to parallel processing.
  2. What is meant by interleaved memory organisation ? Explain.
  3. Write a note on circuit and packet switching protocols.
  4. Distinguish between loosely coupled and tightly coupled multiprocessors.
  5. Briefly explain about data flow computers.

(5 x 5 = 25 marks)

Part C.
Answer all questions.
Each question carries 12 marks.

  1. Explain any two architectural classification schemes in detail.
  2. Elaborate on the different parallel computer structures.
  3. Discuss about arithmetic pipelines with necessary examples and diagram.
  4. Demonstrate how internal forwarding enhances the performance of computers with examples.
  5. Explain masking and data routing mechanisms in SIMD array processor with diagram.
  6. Discuss about the different parallel algorithm in SIMD architectures.
  7. Describe the different bus arbitration algorithm in multiprocessors.
  8. Elaborate on the interprocess communication mechanism used in multiprocessor architectures.
  9. Explain the following :
    (i) Data driven computers.
    (ii) Data flow languages.
  10. Discuss the influences of dataflow in conventional architectures.

(5 × 12 = 60 marks)

System Software Previous Year Question Paper For BTech Degree Examination May 2016


Sixth Semester
Branch : Computer Science and Engineering
(New Scheme - 2010 Admission onwards)
Time : Three Hours
Maximum : 100 Marks

Part A
Answer all questions.
Each question carries 3 marks.

  1. Explain parameterized macros with an example.
  2. Give the format of header, text and end records in assembler output.
  3. What is an absolute loader ?
  4. What are the capabilities of a debugger ?
  5. Define block device driver.

(5 × 3 = 15 marks)
Part B
Answer all questions.
Each question carries 5 marks.

  1. How can we generate unique labels in a macro ?
  2. What is a forward reference ? How is it handled in an assembler with two passes ?
  3. What is the need for linking ?
  4. Explain text editor user interface.
  5. Write notes on general device characteristics.

(5 x 5 = 25 marks)

Part C
Answer all questions.
Each full question carries 12 marks.

  1. Explain macropreprocessor algorithm.
  2. Describe how nested macrocalls and recursive macrocalls are handled with the help of examples

  3. Give the algorithm for a single pass assembler.
  4. Explain the handling of external references by an assembler with the help of examples.

  5. Give the algorithm for linking loader.
  6. Write notes on UNIX ELF.

  7. Explain overall editor structure with a diagram.
  8. Explain how the debugger relates with other parts of the system.

  9. Give the general design and anatomy of devices.
  10. Write notes on character devices and their drivers.
(5 × 12 = 60 marks)

Compiler Construction Previous Year Question Paper MG University BTech

Compiler construction previous year question paper of seventh semester (s7) BTech exam under MG university (MGU).


Branch Computer Science and Engineering CS 010 702 COMPILER CONSTRUCTION (CS)

(New Scheme—2010 Admission onwards,

Time - Three Hours
Maximum : 100 Marks

Part A
Answer all questions.
Each question carries 3 marks.

  1. Define phases of compiler.
  2. What is recursive descent parsing .
  3. Define runtime stack.
  4. Define ICG.
  5. Define various types of errors.

 (5 × 3 = 15 marks)

Part B
Answer all questions.
Each question carries 5 marks.

  1. Draw a DFD that accepts the four reserved words case, const and continue from c language.
  2. Explain shift reduce parsing.
  3. Discuss memory allocation in block structured languages.
  4. Explain quadruples.
  5. Discuss data descriptors.

(5 x 5 = 25 marks)

Part C
Answer all questions.
Each question carries 12 marks.

  1. (a) Explain the tokens using regular expressions.
    (b) Discuss the lexical analysis and its role.
  2. (a) Given the following grammar contract SLR parsing X->YX/Z, Y->XY/W table for string ZWWZ.
    (b) Explain operator precedence parsing.
  3. (a) Explain memory allocation strategies.
    (b) Discuss the role of declaration statements in intermediate code generation.
  4. (a) Explain machine dependent and independent code optimization techniques.
    (b) Give the semantic rules for declarations in a procedure.
  5. (a) Write a note on  (i) cross compilers; (ii) Incremental compilers.
    (6 + 6 =12 marks)
    (b) Explain the basic issues in code generation.

[5 × 12 = 60 marks]

How to Make Restart Shortcut in Windows

Here we will see how to create a restart shortcut. To make a shortcut for restart option on desktop, follow the given instructions:

  1. Right Click on Desktop.
  2. Select New > Shortcut
  3. In the text box, type: shutdown /r /t 1
  4. Click Next.
  5. Give a name like 'Restart' for the shortcut .
  6. Click Finish.

Advanced Networking Trends BTech Previous Year Question Paper 2016 - MG University

Eighth Semester
Branch Computer Science and Engineering
(New Scheme—2010 Admission onwards)

Time : Three Hours
Maximum : 100 Marks
Part A
Answer all questions
Each question carries 3 marks

  1. Draw the frame format of Ethernet.
  2. An AAL1 layer receives data at 2Mbps. How many cells are created per second by ATM layer ?
  3. Differentiate between infrared and radio transmission.
  4. What is self configuration and autoconfiguration ?
  5. What is Hybrid TDMA / FDMA ?

(5 x 3 = 15 Marks)

Part B
Answer all questions.
Each question carries 5 marks.

  1. Explain the following with respect to fast Ethernet:
      (a) 100BASET4 ; and (b) 100BASETX.
  2. Write a short note on ATM cell header format.
  3. With the neat diagram briefly explain Bluetooth protocol stack.
  4. What is the scope of mesh 802.11s ?
  5. What is Flooding and what are its disadvantages ?

(5 x 5 = 25 Marks)

Part C
Answer all questions.
Each question carries 12 marks.

  1. Explain gigabit Ethernet in detail.
  2. What is ISDN ? Explain its protocol architecture.

  3. What are the various ATM signaling used ? Explain in detail.
  4. With the neat diagram, explain ALL3/4 and AAL5 layers of AAL.

  5. Explain 802.11 architecture and protocol architecture with a neat diagram.
  6. What are the collision avoidance methods used in IEEE 802.11 ?

  7. Explain the architecture of 802.11s.
  8. Explain the concept of Vehicular Mesh network.

  9. How do we measure the quality of sensor network ?
  10. Explain the following issues with respect to sensor networks :
    (a) Synchronization ; and (b) Transport layer issues.

(5 x 12 = 60 marks)

Neural Networks Previous Year Question Paper 2016 - MG University BTech

Eighth Semester
Branch : Computer Science and Engineering/Information Technology
CS 010 805 G02/IT 010 805 G05 -NEURAL NETWORKS (Elective IV) (CS, IT)
(New Scheme 2010 Admission onwards)

Time Three Hours
Maximum : 100 Marks
Part A
Answer all questions.
Each question carries 3 marks.

  1. What is the difference between human intelligence and machine intelligence ?
  2. What are multilayer perceptrons ?
  3. What are the applications of Radial Basis Function networks ?
  4. What are the various ways to realize competition in neural networks ?
  5. What is pattern association ?

(5 x 3 = 15 marks)
Part B
Answer all questions.
Each question carries 5 marks.

  1. Why we need pattern classification ?
  2. Explain temporal stability.
  3. How to train RBF networks ? Explain.
  4. What is a counter propagation network ?
  5. Give an example for hetero associative networks.

(5 x 5 = 25 marks)

Part C
Answer all questions.
Each question carries 12 marks.

  1. Compare the performance of a computer and that of a biological neural network in terms of speed of processing, size and complexity, storage, fault tolerance and control mechanism.
  2. Explain McCulloch-Pitts model of neuron.

  3. Briefly explain Back propagation algorithm in detail.
  4. Derive the Back propagation algorithm for regression.

  5. What is under fitting and over fitting ? Explain prevention mechanisms for the same.
  6. Explain learning with momentum and conjugate gradient learning.

  7. Explain Maxnet fixed weight competitive networks.
  8. Explain the application and architecture of full counter propagation network.

  9. Briefly explain the algorithm for hopfield networks.
  10. What is the purpose of using bidirectional associative memory ? Explain.

(5 x 12 = 60 marks)

Security in Computing Previous Year Question Paper - MG University BTech Eighth Semester

Eighth semester (s8) BTech Security in Computing previous year question paper - MG university CSE.
Eighth Semester
Branch: Computer Science and Engineering
(New Scheme — 2010 Admission onwards)

Time : Three Hours
Maximum 100 Marks

Part A.
Answer all questions.
Each question carries 3 marks.

  1. Define security attacks.
  2. What do you mean by Avalanche effect?
  3. Differentiate between direct and arbitrated digital signature.
  4. What are the services provided by IP Sec ?
  5. What do you mean by Biba integrity model ?

(5 x 3 = 15 marks)

Part B
Answer all questions.
Each question carries 5 marks.

  1. Briefly explain symmetric cipher model.
  2. Explain briefly about prime factorization.
  3. Write note on hash functions.
  4. What are the different functions provided by S/MIME? Explain.
  5. Explain password selection strategies and their significance.

(5 x 5 = 25 marks)

Part C
Answer all questions.
Each question carries 12 marks.

  1. What is meant by security services ? Explain different categories of security services.
  2. What is meant by transposition cipher ? Explain rail fence cipher and row transposition ciphers with example.
  3. With a neat sketch, explain about the DES encryption and decryption process with the internal structure of a single round of DES algorithm.
  4. Explain the key management of public key encryption in detail.
  5. Write down and explain SHA-512 algorithm.
  6. Discuss the overview of Kerberos. Explain Simple Authentication Dialogue and More Secure Authentication Dialogue, in Kerberos Version 4.
  7. What is PGP ? What are the services provided by PGP ? Explain.
  8. What is meant by firewalls ? Discuss about different types of firewalls.
  9. Define Intrusion Detection. Explain in detail about the various types of detection mechanisms.
  10. What are Security models ? Explain different types of Security models.

(5 x 12 = 60 marks)

Previous Year Computer Graphics Question Paper - MG University BTech Degree Exam

Computer Graphics previous year question paper of seventh semester (s7) BTech exam under MG university (MGU).
Seventh Semester
Branch: Computer Science and Engineering
(New Scheme—2010 Admission onwards)

Time : Three Hours
Maximum 100 Marks

Part. A
Answer all questions.
Each question carries 3 marks.

  1. Define Raster Scan displays.
  2. State Bresenham's Line drawing algorithm.
  3. Define Bezier Curves.
  4. Define Perspective Projection.
  5. What is Texture Mapping ?

(5 x 3 = 15 marks)
Part B
Answer all questions.
Each question carries 5 marks.

  1. Describe briefly about Display files.
  2. State and explain Cohen Sutherland line clipping algorithm.
  3. Briefly explain B-Spline curve technique.
  4. Explain any one Back-face detection technique.
  5. Describe Constant shading method.

(5 x 5 = 25 marks)

Part C
Answer all questions.
Each full question carries 12 marks.

  1. Explain the working of any three Graphical Input devices with neat diagrams.
  2. Explain the functions and components of Random Scan display system.
  3. Explain Polygon clipping and viewing transformations in detail.
  4. Describe Bresenham's Circle drawing algorithm with examples.
  5. Explain Bezier Curves and Surfaces.
  6. Write notes on the following :—
    (a) Quadric surfaces
    (b) Sweep representation
    (c) Octrees.
  7. Explain the Depth Buffer algorithm for hidden surface removal.
  8. Describe about various 3D viewing projections.
  9. Describe Ray Tracing and Ray Casting fractals with examples.
  10. Explain various Interpolative shading methods.
(5 × 12 = 60 marks)

Compiler Construction Previous Year Question Paper MG University BTech

Compiler construction previous year question paper of seventh semester (s7) BTech exam under MG university (MGU).


Branch Computer Science and Engineering CS 010 702 COMPILER CONSTRUCTION (CS)

(New Scheme—2010 Admission onwards,

Time - Three Hours
Maximum : 100 Marks

Part A
Answer all questions.
Each question carries 3 marks.

  1. Define phases of compiler.
  2. What is recursive descent parsing .
  3. Define runtime stack.
  4. Define ICG.
  5. Define various types of errors.

 (5 × 3 = 15 marks)

Part B
Answer all questions.
Each question carries 5 marks.

  1. Draw a DFD that accepts the four reserved words case, const and continue from c language.
  2. Explain shift reduce parsing.
  3. Discuss memory allocation in block structured languages.
  4. Explain quadruples.
  5. Discuss data descriptors.

(5 x 5 = 25 marks)

Part C
Answer all questions.
Each question carries 12 marks.

  1. (a) Explain the tokens using regular expressions.
    (b) Discuss the lexical analysis and its role.
  2. (a) Given the following grammar contract SLR parsing X->YX/Z, Y->XY/W table for string ZWWZ.
    (b) Explain operator precedence parsing.
  3. (a) Explain memory allocation strategies.
    (b) Discuss the role of declaration statements in intermediate code generation.
  4. (a) Explain machine dependent and independent code optimization techniques.
    (b) Give the semantic rules for declarations in a procedure.
  5. (a) Write a note on  (i) cross compilers; (ii) Incremental compilers.
    (6 + 6 =12 marks)
    (b) Explain the basic issues in code generation.

[5 × 12 = 60 marks]

How to Schedule a Shutdown in Windows

You can schedule a shutdown in Windows. We will see how to plan a shutdown in your windows computer. It works for Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10. To arrange or organize an automatic shutdown in your Windows computer, we use a run command. Once you set up a shutdown, when the specified time period is elapsed, you computer will shut down. Follow the given instructions to schedule an auto shutdown.

  1. Open Run dialog box from start menu (or by pressing Windows key + R).
  2. type shutdown /s /t sec in it.
    Here sec is the amount of time in seconds to be elapsed before shut down.
  3. Press Enter or click OK.
  4. You will be notified that a shutdown is scheduled.
  5. It is done.
An example is:
shutdown /s /t 600
Here after 600 seconds (10 minutes), the computer will turn off. The following video will show you.

How to Create Shutdown Shortcut in Windows

You can make a shortcut file which when opened, instantly shuts down Windows Operating System. This works in Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10. Here we will see how to create a shutdown shortcut in Windows. To make a shutdown shortcut on desktop, follow the given instructions.

  1. Right click on desktop.
  2. Select New -> Shortcut
  3. Type shutdown /p  in the text box
  4. Click Next button
  5. Give a name for the shortcut, like 'Shutdown' or 'Turn off'.
  6. Now Click Finish.
  7. No you will get a shortcut file on desktop
If you open this shortcut file, your computer will shutdown instantly. You will lose your unsaved works. So close all applications properly before shutdown.

How to Shutdown Windows Using Run Command

Here is how to shutdown Windows using run command. The command should be shutdown /p. That is, type shutdown /p in the run dialog box (opened by pressing windows key+ R) and press Enter. Your Windows computer will shutdown instantly. Remember that you may lose any unsaved works in open applications. This trick works in Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10.

How to Create Logoff (Sign Out) Shortcut in Windows

You can create a shortcut file which when opened, instantly logs out or sign out the current user account from Microsoft Windows Operating System. This works in Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10. To make a Log out shortcut on desktop, follow the given instructions.

  1. Right click on desktop.
  2. Select New -> Shortcut
  3. Type shutdown /l  in the textbox
  4. Click Next button
  5. Give a name for the shortcut, like 'logoff', 'logout', 'signout' etc.
  6. Now Click Finish.
  7. No you will get a shortcut file on desktop
If you open this shortcut file, you will be logged out from your Windows computer. Remember, it is not shutting down. Just logging out. But, you will lose your unsaved works. In another post, we will see how to make shutdown, restart and hibernate shortcuts in windows.

All Road Signs in kerala and Their Meaning in Malayalam

In this post, we will see all kinds of road signs in Kerala (India) and their meaning in Malayalam. The traffic signs can be divided into three categories:
  • Mandatory or Regulatory Road Signs
  • Cautionary or Warning Road Signs
  • Informatory Road Signs

Mandatory Road Signs

The following video shows almost all mandatory road signs used in Kerala. The meaning of each traffic sign is also given in the video.

Cautionary or Warning Road Signs

The following video shows almost all warning road signs or Cautionary road signs used in India. This kind of traffic signs give warnings to avoid accidents. The meaning of each warning traffic sign is also given in the video.

Informatory Road Signs

As the name suggests, the informatory road signs give information about petrol pump, hospital, restaurant, public telephone, resting place, first aid post, parking places etc. The meaning of each informatory traffic sign is also given in the video.

Mandatory, Warning and Informatory Road Signs and Meaning in Urdu

In this post, we will see all kinds of road signs India and their meaning in Urdu language. The traffic signs can be divided into three categories:
  • Mandatory or Regulatory Road Signs  (لازمی یا ریگولیٹری روڈکے نشان)
  • Cautionary or Warning Road Signs (انتباہ روڈکے نشان)
  • Informatory Road Signs

Mandatory Road Signs

The following video shows almost all mandatory road signs used in India. The meaning of each traffic sign in Urdu is also given in the video.

Cautionary or Warning Road Signs

The following video shows almost all warning road signs or Cautionary road signs used in India. This kind of traffic signs give warnings to avoid accidents. The meaning of each warning traffic sign in Urdu is also given in the video.

Informatory Road Signs

As the name suggests, the informatory road signs give information about petrol pump, hospital, restaurant, public telephone, resting place, first aid post, parking places etc. The meaning of each informatory traffic sign is also given in the video.

All Road Signs in India and Their Meaning in Hindi

In this post, we will see all kinds of road signs (सड़क संकेत) used in India and their meaning in Hindi. The traffic signs used in India can be divided into three categories:
  • Mandatory or Regulatory Road Signs (अनिवार्य या नियामक सड़क संकेत)
  • Cautionary or Warning Road Signs (चेतावनी या सजग सड़क संकेत)
  • Informatory Road Signs

Mandatory Road Signs

The following video shows almost all mandatory road signs used in India. The meaning of each regulatory or mandatory traffic sign in hindi is also given in the video.

Cautionary or Warning Road Signs

The following video shows almost all warning road signs or Cautionary road signs used in India. This kind of traffic signs give warnings to avoid accidents. The meaning of each warning traffic sign in Hindi language is also given in the video.

Informatory Road Signs

As the name suggests, the informatory road signs give information about petrol pump, hospital, restaurant, public telephone, resting place, first aid post, parking places etc. The meaning of each informatory traffic sign in Hindi is also given in the video.

Mandatory, Warning and Informatory Road Signs in English

In this post, we will see all kinds of road signs India and their meaning. The traffic signs can be divided into three categories:

  • Mandatory or Regulatory Road Signs
  • Cautionary or Warning Road Signs
  • Informatory Road Signs

Mandatory Road Signs

The following video shows almost all mandatory road signs used in India. The meaning of each traffic sign is also given in the video.

Cautionary or Warning Road Signs

The following video shows almost all warning road signs or Cautionary road signs used in India. This kind of traffic signs give warnings to avoid accidents. The meaning of each warning traffic sign is also given in the video.

Informatory Road Signs

As the name suggests, the informatory road signs give information about petrol pump, hospital, restaurant, public telephone, resting place, first aid post, parking places etc. The meaning of each informatory traffic sign is also given in the video.