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Showing posts with label IT. Show all posts

Neural Networks Previous Year Question Paper 2016 - MG University BTech

Eighth Semester
Branch : Computer Science and Engineering/Information Technology
CS 010 805 G02/IT 010 805 G05 -NEURAL NETWORKS (Elective IV) (CS, IT)
(New Scheme 2010 Admission onwards)

Time Three Hours
Maximum : 100 Marks
Part A
Answer all questions.
Each question carries 3 marks.

  1. What is the difference between human intelligence and machine intelligence ?
  2. What are multilayer perceptrons ?
  3. What are the applications of Radial Basis Function networks ?
  4. What are the various ways to realize competition in neural networks ?
  5. What is pattern association ?

(5 x 3 = 15 marks)
Part B
Answer all questions.
Each question carries 5 marks.

  1. Why we need pattern classification ?
  2. Explain temporal stability.
  3. How to train RBF networks ? Explain.
  4. What is a counter propagation network ?
  5. Give an example for hetero associative networks.

(5 x 5 = 25 marks)

Part C
Answer all questions.
Each question carries 12 marks.

  1. Compare the performance of a computer and that of a biological neural network in terms of speed of processing, size and complexity, storage, fault tolerance and control mechanism.
  2. Explain McCulloch-Pitts model of neuron.

  3. Briefly explain Back propagation algorithm in detail.
  4. Derive the Back propagation algorithm for regression.

  5. What is under fitting and over fitting ? Explain prevention mechanisms for the same.
  6. Explain learning with momentum and conjugate gradient learning.

  7. Explain Maxnet fixed weight competitive networks.
  8. Explain the application and architecture of full counter propagation network.

  9. Briefly explain the algorithm for hopfield networks.
  10. What is the purpose of using bidirectional associative memory ? Explain.

(5 x 12 = 60 marks)

Computer Networks Modulewise Short Notes Free PDF and Doc Download

Welcome. I have uploaded some short notes (lecture notes) and slides for CN (Computer networks). Computer Networks is a subject taught for Computer Science and Engineering Branches and Information technology Branches. The notes for Computer networks are available for download. There are different notes from different sources. We have also included slideshows (slides). The note full set is complete. You can compare and study. Computer networks slides are specially mentioned as slides. MGU (MG university) Computer networks syllabus is available here.

Module 1:

Network requirements, Network Architecture, Layering and Protocols, OSI Architecture, Internet Architecture, Performance - bandwidth and latency, Delay bandwdith product, high speed networks.

Note Full Set

Other notes:

Module 2:

Direct Link network, hardware Building Block, Framing - Byte Oriented protocol, Bit oriented protocol, Clock based framing, Reliable transmission- stop and wait, sliding windows, Ethernet (802.3)- physical properties, Access protocol, wireless-bluetooth, wifi, Wimax

Other notes:

Module 3:

Packet switching-switching and forwarding-Datagram,  virtual circuit switching, source routing bridges and LAN switches - Learning bridges, Spanning tree algorithms, Broadcast and multicast, Limitations of bridges, simple internetworking - service model, global address, datagram forwarding in IP, address translation, Routing - network as graph, distance vector, link state, matrix.

Other notes:

Module 4

End to End protocol, simple de-multiplexer, reliable byte stream, TCP - Issues, segment format,connection establishment and termination, sliding window revisited, triggering transmission,, adaptive retransmission, RPC- fundamentals, TCP congestion control, - additive increase, slow start, fast retransmit and fast recovery, congestion avoidance mechanism, DEC bit, Randomearly detection bit, source based congestion avoidance.

Other notes:

Module 5

Applications -WWW, Email, name service, network management, web services custom application protocol, generic application protocol, overlay networks - peer to peer networks.

Other notes:

Data Structures and Algorithms Previous Year Question Paper For BTech Computer Science and IT

Here i have uploaded the previous year (2014 MAY) question paper of DATA STRUCTURES AND ALGORITHMS (DS)  for Fourth semester for Computer Science and Engineering (CS or CSE) and Information Technology (IT) branches under MG university BTech course.

Course : B.Tech Engineering (degree)
University: MG university (Mahatma Gandhi university) Kottayam, Kerala
Department or branch: Computer Science and Engineering (CS or CSE) and Information Technology (IT)

DBMS Previous Year Question Paper for Fifth Semester BTech Computer Science and IT

Here i have uploaded the previous year (2014 November) question paper of Database management systems (C S, IT) for Fifth semester for Computer science and engineering (CS or CSE) and information technology (IT) branches under MG university BTech course.

Course : B.Tech Engineering (degree)
University: MG university (Mahatma Gandhi university) Kottayam, Kerala
Department or branch: Computer science and engineering (CS or CSE) and Information Technology (IT)

Fifth Semester BTech Computer Science and IT Mathematics Previous Year Question 2014

Previous year question paper 2014

Subject : Engineering Mathematics IV (EN010501 B)
Course : BTech Engineering
Department: Computer Science and Engineering and IT (Information Technology)
Semester: fifth semester (s5)
University : MG university Kottayam kerala

Syllabus for First Year Btech under MG University (combined Ist & IInd Sem) (Common for all branches)


Credits: 5
Teaching Scheme
2 hour lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week

MODULE I (18 hours) - MATRIX
Elementary transformation – echelon form – rank using elementary transformation by reducing in to echelon
form – solution of linear homogeneous and non – homogeneous equations using elementary transformation.
Linear dependence and independence of vectors – eigen values and eigen vectors – properties of eigen values
and eigen vectors(proof not expected) – Linear transformation – Orthogonal transformation –
Diagonalisation – Reduction of quadratic form into sum of squares using orthogonal transformation – Rank,
index, signature of quadratic form – nature of quadratic form