Showing posts with label chemical. Show all posts
Showing posts with label chemical. Show all posts

Syllabus for First Year Btech under MG University (combined Ist & IInd Sem) (Common for all branches)


Credits: 5
Teaching Scheme
2 hour lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week

MODULE I (18 hours) - MATRIX
Elementary transformation – echelon form – rank using elementary transformation by reducing in to echelon
form – solution of linear homogeneous and non – homogeneous equations using elementary transformation.
Linear dependence and independence of vectors – eigen values and eigen vectors – properties of eigen values
and eigen vectors(proof not expected) – Linear transformation – Orthogonal transformation –
Diagonalisation – Reduction of quadratic form into sum of squares using orthogonal transformation – Rank,
index, signature of quadratic form – nature of quadratic form