If you are studying mathematics, you will has to use mathematical functions line sin, cos, tan etc. These trigonometric function are used in many other subjects like physics also. Functions sinx, cosx and tanx takes angles as input. Angles 0, 30, 45, 60 and 90 degrees are most commonly used angles values. Thus most students will have to rememeber the values of sin0, sin30, sin45, sin60, sin90, cos0, cos30, cos45, cos60, cos90, tan0, tan30, tan45, tan60 and tan90. If you know values of sinx and cosx you can find value of tanx by dividing sinx by cosx.
Here is a simple trick to remember all the above values. This is a simple and easy trick to remember the values of trigonometric functions sinx, cosx and tanx for angles (in degrees) 0, 30, 45, 60 and 90. The following image will tell you how to get the values of sinx and cosx function for above values of x in degrees in 3 simple steps. To get tanx, just divide sinx by cosx. Since the image is self explaining, i am just adding the image below.
trick to remember values of sinx, cosx functions |