Showing posts with label mathematical. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mathematical. Show all posts

Logarithms, Antilogarithms, Mathematical and Statistical Tables PDF Download

PDF book with logarithm table, antilogarithm tables, mathematical tables and statistical tables. The contents of this PDF are:

Logarithms, Antilogarithms, Natural logarithms, Power, root and reciprocals of numbers, binomial distributions (values of nCr), Poisson distributions (values of e-m), ordinates (standard normal distribution), normal distributions (area under standard normal curve), tables of values of t and z for t-test and z-tests, table value of x2 and x2 test, table values of F at 5% level of significance, table values of F at 1% level of significance, sum at the end of nth year,  present value,total present value, constants of statistical quality control, random numbers.

Download Logarithms Antilogarithms, Mathematical and Statistical Tables PDF

Principle of Mathematical Induction - Tutorial with Example Problems

In this post, I am adding a study material for Principle of Mathematical induction. The principle of Mathematical induction is a proving technique widely used. Therefore, Mathematical induction also comes in various subjects like mathematics, physics and theory of computation (also in engineering courses). The same thing is taught in plus one (first year of higher secondary or senior seconadary (for CBSE)) maths. Here i am adding a pdf file with a tutorial for Principle of mathematical induction. You can download the PDF tutorial from following link:

Click here to download PDF tutorial.

How to Display Mathematical Symblos, Greek Letters etc in HTML

When i was writing a post, i found it difficult to display some mathematical symbols in the post. At last, i solved it and found that there are easy to remember mnemonics for most of the symbols we come across. Sometimes you can get them only from the 'charmap' (enter charmap in 'Run' in your windows OS). There are escape sequences in HTML which will help you to include mathematical symbols and other Greek letters which are often used as variables or notation for some processes. To display these symbols in a webpage, simple mnemonics or corresponding code can be used. These informations are directly available in HTML4.0 website.

C program to Calculate Permutations and Combinations (nPr and nCr)

This is a C program to calculate total number of permutations and combinations for given values of n and r. This program calculates nPr and nCr using functions.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
long double fact( int);
int ncr( int ,int);
long npr( int ,int);
int n,r;
printf(" Enter value of n & r \n");
scanf("%d %d",&n ,&r);
if( n>= r)
printf( "%d C %d is %d \n",n,r,ncr( n ,r));
printf("%d P %d is %ld\n",n,r,npr( n, r));
printf("\n n should be greater than r");
getch ();