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Showing posts with label WT. Show all posts

Web Technologies Previous Year Question Paper - Computer Science - BTech - MG University

Web technologies (WT) previous year question paper for seventh semester (s7) Computer Science and Engineering BTech Degree Examination under MGU (MG University) syllabus.

Seventh Semester
Branch Computer Science and Engineering
(New Scheme 2010 Admission onwards)

Time: Three Hours
Maximum 100 Marks

Part A.
Answer all questions.
Each question carries 3 marks

  1. What are character entities ?
  2. Explain XML document structure.
  3. What are Perl scalars ?
  4. Mention the origins and uses of PHP.
  5. How do rails work with databases ?

Part B
Answer all questions.
Each Question carries 5 marks.

  1. Explain ordered lists and unordered lists with an example
  2. What is DTD ? Give the declaration syntax for internal and external DTDs.
  3. List and explain any five string functions in Perl.
  4. Explain about relational operators in PHP.
  5. Describe the rails layout template.

(5 x 5 = 25 marks)

Part C
Answer all questions.
Each question carries 12 marks.

  1. Discuss about the syntax and example of anchor tags and href tags.
    (12 marks)
  2. Explain CSS syntax using selector, property and value for assigning style properties
    (12 marks)
  3. (a) List the basic rules of XML.
    (6 marks)
    b) Explain the need for using document type definitions
    (6 marks)
  4. With suitable examples explain simple and complex data types in ХМL Schema.
    (12 marks)
  5. (a) Explain string functions in Perl with suitable examples
    (6 marks)
    (b) Give the syntax and example of Foreach statement in Perl.
    (6 marks)
  6. Write a program to create a hash with a set of student-name and student-id pairs. Populate the hash with five sets of data. Prompt the user for student-id and print both the details.
    (12 marks)
  7. Explain the two types of arrays in PHP with suitable examples.
    (12 marks)
  8. What is a Cookie? Explain with PHP sample code how to create, read and delete a cookie.
    (12 marks)
  9. Illustrate with meat diagrams and explain the traditional and ajax browser-server interactions.
    (12 marks)
  10. Explain how rails implements ajax in detail.
    (12 marks)
[5 × 12 = 60 marks]