Showing posts with label college. Show all posts
Showing posts with label college. Show all posts

Crack Master 2014 final round App

Takshak 2014 mar athanasius college 2015 2013 2016 MAC MACE of engineering Thakshak art fest sanskriti tech fest techfest technical computer science department coding cipher encoding encrypted decrypt decode breaking code programming algorithm cash prize money contest kerala MG university
Crack Master 2014 screenshot
Do codes and ciphers make your heart race? When faced with an encrypted message, are you filled with an insatiable curiosity to know just what it is all about? Do you consider yourself to be an unmatched code breaker? If your answer to any of the above questions is a yes, then you would enjoy playing crack master.

BTech Computer Science and Engineering Fourth Semester Syllabus - MG University

This post contains the syllabus for Fourth semester BTech Computer Science and Engineering from Mahatma Gandhi University (MG University), Kottayam. Click here to download pdf

EN 010 401 ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS III (Common to all branches)

Teaching scheme Credits: 4
2 hours lecture and 2 hour tutorial per week


Dirichlet conditions - Fourier series with period 2π and 2l - Half range sine and cosine series - Harmonic Analysis - r.m.s Value