Seventh Semester
Branch Computer Science and Engineering
(New Scheme 2010 Admission onwards)
Time: Three Hours
Maximum 100 Marks
Part A.
Answer all questions.
Each question carries 3 marks
- What are character entities ?
- Explain XML document structure.
- What are Perl scalars ?
- Mention the origins and uses of PHP.
- How do rails work with databases ?
Part B
Answer all questions.
Each Question carries 5 marks.
- Explain ordered lists and unordered lists with an example
- What is DTD ? Give the declaration syntax for internal and external DTDs.
- List and explain any five string functions in Perl.
- Explain about relational operators in PHP.
- Describe the rails layout template.
(5 x 5 = 25 marks)
Part C
Answer all questions.
Each question carries 12 marks.
- Discuss about the syntax and example of anchor tags and href tags.(12 marks)Or
- Explain CSS syntax using selector, property and value for assigning style properties(12 marks)
- (a) List the basic rules of XML.(6 marks)b) Explain the need for using document type definitions(6 marks)Or
- With suitable examples explain simple and complex data types in ХМL Schema.(12 marks)
- (a) Explain string functions in Perl with suitable examples(6 marks)(b) Give the syntax and example of Foreach statement in Perl.(6 marks)Or
- Write a program to create a hash with a set of student-name and student-id pairs. Populate the hash with five sets of data. Prompt the user for student-id and print both the details.(12 marks)
- Explain the two types of arrays in PHP with suitable examples.(12 marks)Or
- What is a Cookie? Explain with PHP sample code how to create, read and delete a cookie.(12 marks)
- Illustrate with meat diagrams and explain the traditional and ajax browser-server interactions.(12 marks)Or
- Explain how rails implements ajax in detail.(12 marks)
[5 × 12 = 60 marks]