How to Block Ads in Google Chrome Browser

Tired of annoying ads in Google Chrome? Get rid of the ads yourself. But remember that, for almost all websites, ads are the only source of income. If everyone removes ads from websites, nothing will be available for free in internet anymore. You can simply block all ads in your Google Chrome browser yourself. To block ads on Google Chrome browser, click on the button remove ads from google chrome, ad blocker, block ads on chrome in the top right corner of browser. Then select settings. Then click Extensions. Now, click Get more extensions. Then search adblock in the webpages that loads. Click Extensions on the left. Then click Add to chrome button on the right side of AdBlock. Wait for a while until a small file is downloaded. The chrome browser will open the file itself and install ad blocker. Thus ad blocker is installed in your google chrome browser. If you still see any ads displayed, right click on it and select AdBlock -> Block this ad.

Design and Analysis of Algorithms - Lecture Notes and Slides Free Download

Lecture notes as doc files and ppt slides for design and analysis of algorithms for free download.

Module I 

Introduction and Complexity
What is an algorithm – Properties of an Algorithm, Development of an algorithm, Pseudo-code Conventions, Recursive Algorithms – Performance Analysis - Space and Time Complexity –Asymptotic Notations – ‘Oh’, ‘Omega’, ‘Theta’, Worst, Best and Average Case Complexity, Running Time Comparison, Common Complexity Functions -Recurrence Relations – Solving Recurrences using Iteration and Recurrence Trees – Example Problems – Profiling - Amortized Complexity.

 Module II 

Divide and Conquer - Control Abstraction, Finding Maximum and Minimum, Costs associated element comparisons and index comparisons, Binary Search, Divide and Conquer Matrix Multiplication, Stressen’s Matrix Multiplication, Quick Sort, Merge Sort. – Refinements.

Module III 

Greedy Strategy - Control Abstraction, General Knapsack Problem, Minimum Cost Spanning Trees – PRIM’s Algorithm, Kruskal’s Algorithm, Job sequencing with deadlines.
Dynamic Programming - Principle of Optimality, Multistage Graph Problem, Forward Approach, Backward Approach, All-Pairs Shortest Paths, Traveling Salesman Problem.

Module IV

 Backtracking – State Space Tree - Fixed Tuple and Variable Tuple Formulation - Control Abstraction – Generating Function and Bounding Function - Efficiency of the method - Monte Carlo Method – N-Queens Problem, Sum of Subsets.
Branch and Bound Techniques – FIFO, LIFO, and LC Control Abstractions, 15-puzzle.

Module V

Sophisticated Algorithms - Approximation Algorithms – Planar Graph Coloring, Vertex cover - String Matching Algorithms – Rabin Karp algorithm - Topological Sort - Deterministic and Non-Deterministic Algorithms.

Lower Bound Theory - Comparison Trees for Searching and Sorting, lower bound on comparison based algorithms, Sorting, Selection  & Merging; Oracles and Adversary Arguments –Merging,Basic concepts of randomized algorithm-Las Vagas algorithm for search.

Module 5 - Lowerbound slides ppt

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Computer Networks Modulewise Short Notes Free PDF and Doc Download

Welcome. I have uploaded some short notes (lecture notes) and slides for CN (Computer networks). Computer Networks is a subject taught for Computer Science and Engineering Branches and Information technology Branches. The notes for Computer networks are available for download. There are different notes from different sources. We have also included slideshows (slides). The note full set is complete. You can compare and study. Computer networks slides are specially mentioned as slides. MGU (MG university) Computer networks syllabus is available here.

Module 1:

Network requirements, Network Architecture, Layering and Protocols, OSI Architecture, Internet Architecture, Performance - bandwidth and latency, Delay bandwdith product, high speed networks.

Note Full Set

Other notes:

Module 2:

Direct Link network, hardware Building Block, Framing - Byte Oriented protocol, Bit oriented protocol, Clock based framing, Reliable transmission- stop and wait, sliding windows, Ethernet (802.3)- physical properties, Access protocol, wireless-bluetooth, wifi, Wimax

Other notes:

Module 3:

Packet switching-switching and forwarding-Datagram,  virtual circuit switching, source routing bridges and LAN switches - Learning bridges, Spanning tree algorithms, Broadcast and multicast, Limitations of bridges, simple internetworking - service model, global address, datagram forwarding in IP, address translation, Routing - network as graph, distance vector, link state, matrix.

Other notes:

Module 4

End to End protocol, simple de-multiplexer, reliable byte stream, TCP - Issues, segment format,connection establishment and termination, sliding window revisited, triggering transmission,, adaptive retransmission, RPC- fundamentals, TCP congestion control, - additive increase, slow start, fast retransmit and fast recovery, congestion avoidance mechanism, DEC bit, Randomearly detection bit, source based congestion avoidance.

Other notes:

Module 5

Applications -WWW, Email, name service, network management, web services custom application protocol, generic application protocol, overlay networks - peer to peer networks.

Other notes:

How Block Websites on a Windows Computer

We will see how to block websites on a computer. There is a fine trick to block websites on any computer. This is done by editing the hosts file. The 'hosts' file is used to map host names to given IP addresses. The 'hosts' file is a plain text file that can be edited using text editors. Each line is a redirection entry. Each line should be an IP address followed by a space followed by a host name. When any application software (including browsers) try to connect to a host name (or website) which has an entry in the 'hosts' file, instead of using the domain name service, the IP address is taken from the corresponding entry in 'hosts' file. Then the connection goes to that IP address.

So, if we want to block any website, we only need add an entry for that website in the hosts file with a different IP address. By 'different IP address', i mean any IP other than the original IP of the website. The IP is IP of your own computer. It is called loop back address. You can use this IP to block any website. If you use this IP, the application will try to connect to your own computer on its attempt to access the blocked website and thereby will fail to load the website.

hosts File in Windows

In Windows 7, Windows 8 or 8.1 and Windows 10, the hosts file can be found in the folder:
Here, C: is Windows installation drive.

How to Edit 'hosts' File in Windows - Why to Edit It?

default contents of hosts file shown in screenshot of hosts file
Windows host file screenshot
There is a file named 'hosts' located in the following path: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc. For me, C is the Windows installation drive. Replace it with your Windows installation drive. The file can be found in the same path in Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10. This file is used to map host names to IP addresses.

Why use hosts file

As said earlier, the hosts file is used to map domain name (actually host names) to IP some address. The file contains many lines starting with # symbol. Those lines are comments. Within the comments you can see some examples showing how to use the hosts file. Each line (not comments) should contain an IP address followed by a space and a host name. The format is:


When you access the host with given host name using your browser or any other application, before looking for the host name in your Internet Domain Name Service (DNS), your computer looks in the hosts file first. If there is an entry for the hostname the IP address provided in its line is used to access the website.

In the example given by Microsoft, is redirected to Similarly is redirected to some other IP.

Why ? is the loop back address. It is the IP of your own computer. It is corresponding IP for localhost. localhost is the host name used to represent the computer from which we are accessing network (means our own computer). It is same to use or localhost. But you cannot redirect a host name to another host name in hosts file. You should use an IP. When you redirect some host name to, actually you are redirecting the access to your own computer, which means blocking access to that host name

Uses of hosts file

As we have seen, the uses of hosts file are:
  • Redirecting one host (or website) to another using an IP
  • Blocking websites completely (by redirecting to
Some people use hosts file to prevent pirate software accessing the vendors website to avoid auto update. We won't recommend piracy. Find a free software alternative if you cannot afford buying it.

Torrent or BitTorrent - What is it, How it Works, All about Torrents

Difference between Torrent and BitTorrent

Actually, there is no difference between BitTorrent and torrent. The name of this technology is BitTorrent. Later it became popularly known as torrent. People often use both torrent and BitTorrent interchangeably.

What is Torrent and How it Works

Now, we see what is torrent or BitTorrent. If you are not well versed with network terminologies, the simplest answer is,
Torrent or BitTorrent is a way of file sharing over internet, especially for large files.
And if you think you know something about networking, it can be defined this way:
BitTorrent is a protocol that enables of peer-to-peer file sharing that is used to distribute large amounts of data over the Internet.