high performance computing (HPC) previous year question paper - eighth semester (s8) computer science and engineering Btech degree under MG university (MGU).
Eighth Semester
Branch : Computer Science and Engineering
(New Scheme 2010 admission onwards)
Maximum : 100 Marks
Part A
Answer all questions.
Each question carries 3 marks.
- State Amdahl's law.
- Mention the principles of linear pipelining.
- Write the features of Mesh connected networks.
- Give the advantages in using non-uniform memory access model.
- What is meant by grain packing and scheduling in parallel processing ?
(5 x 3 = 15 marks)
Part B
Answer all questions.
Each question carries 5 marks.
- List any five contributions of Indians to parallel processing.
- What is meant by interleaved memory organisation ? Explain.
- Write a note on circuit and packet switching protocols.
- Distinguish between loosely coupled and tightly coupled multiprocessors.
- Briefly explain about data flow computers.
(5 x 5 = 25 marks)
Part C.
Answer all questions.
Each question carries 12 marks.
- Explain any two architectural classification schemes in detail.Or
- Elaborate on the different parallel computer structures.
- Discuss about arithmetic pipelines with necessary examples and diagram.Or
- Demonstrate how internal forwarding enhances the performance of computers with examples.
- Explain masking and data routing mechanisms in SIMD array processor with diagram.Or
- Discuss about the different parallel algorithm in SIMD architectures.
- Describe the different bus arbitration algorithm in multiprocessors.Or
- Elaborate on the interprocess communication mechanism used in multiprocessor architectures.
- Explain the following :
(i) Data driven computers.
(ii) Data flow languages.Or - Discuss the influences of dataflow in conventional architectures.
(5 × 12 = 60 marks)