Showing posts with label get. Show all posts
Showing posts with label get. Show all posts

C Program to Show Process ID in Linux

This program is to show the process id (pid) in UNIX or Linx
The system call getpid() returns the process id of current process.

int main()
printf("\n Parent Process ID %d",getppid());

C Program to Display and Set System Time and Date Using 8086 Interrupts

This is a C Program to Display and Set System Time and Date Using 8086 Interrupts. Interrupt number 21 (in hexadecimal) is used to:
C program to get system time and date and also to set it using 8086 interrupt INT 21 interrupt 0x21 21h int86() function call interrupts in C program
Output of c Program to get and set system time and date 

  • Get System time
  • Set System time
  • Get System Date
  • Set System Date
To Get system date:
- Call interrupt 0x21 (hexadecimal) 
- AH (higher byte of accumulator) should be made equal to 2A (hex) before calling interrupt

Algorithm, C and C++ Programs to find Closure From Functional Dependencies

In this post we will see how to find closure of an attribute or a set of attributes. Before learning how to get closure, we should first know what is a closure. Closure of a given set C is the set of attributes that are functionally determined by the set C under the set of functional dependencies F. There can be closure for any set. Every attribute in the set whose closure is to be found out, will be a member of its closure set C+ also. Consider an example:

Ebay Promo Codes or E-coupons

This post contains insta Coupons for online purchasing from They are also called e-coupons, promo codes,.discount coupons etc. I am listing each.

EBAY3WATCH to get Rs. 1000 off on premium watches.

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