Showing posts with label 8086. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 8086. Show all posts

C Program Using 8086 Interrupts to Restrict Mouse Pointer Into a Circle of Given Center and Radius

C Program Using 8086 Interrupts to Restrict Mouse Pointer Into a Circle of Given Center and Radius. The mouse ponter will be restricted to a circle of user specified center and radius using the interrupt 33 of 8086 in c complier. I have tested this program in Turbo C compiler.
How to restrict mouse cursor or pointer within a user specified circle Using 8086 INT33 service interrupts arrow mice radius centre Turbo c program Turbo C++ code source code without thread screen rectangle
Mouse pointer restricted into a circle in Turbo C


C Program to Display and Set System Time and Date Using 8086 Interrupts

This is a C Program to Display and Set System Time and Date Using 8086 Interrupts. Interrupt number 21 (in hexadecimal) is used to:
C program to get system time and date and also to set it using 8086 interrupt INT 21 interrupt 0x21 21h int86() function call interrupts in C program
Output of c Program to get and set system time and date 

  • Get System time
  • Set System time
  • Get System Date
  • Set System Date
To Get system date:
- Call interrupt 0x21 (hexadecimal) 
- AH (higher byte of accumulator) should be made equal to 2A (hex) before calling interrupt

C Program to Display SCAN and ASCII Codes of Keys on Keyboard Using 8086 Interrupt

output of C program source code to find scan code and ASCII code of any key pressed on keyboard asci ascii A 65 97 32 30 keyboard code using 8086 interrupt 16 0x16 16h INT16 int86 int86x
Output (ASCII and SCAN code) when a is pressed
This program displays SCAN code and ASCII code of any key pressed on the keyboard. We use inregs is made zero in the program. Then interrupt 16h is called using int86() function in dos.h. The arguments are interrupt number (in hexadecimal ; in C 0x16) pointer to input register and pointer to output register.