C Program to Remove (Delete) a Directory using LINUX System Calls

This is a C program to delete  or remove a directory using the system calls in Linux or Unix operating systems. The program make use of the remove() system call in Linux.


C Program to open, read and write files and perform file copy operation usingSystem Calls in UNIX

Write a program to open, read and write files and perform file copy operation. This program show how to open, read, write and copy files using Linux or Unix system calls like open(), read() and write().


C Program to Open, Read and Write a file using System Calls

This is a C program to open , read and write files using system calls in Linux (UNIX) operating systems. The system calls open(), read() and write() are used in the C program to open, read and write files in Unix/Linux operating systems.


Using System calls in C Program to rename a Directory in Linux

C Program to rename a directory in Unix or Linux operating systems using system call rename().


How to Create process and display Process ID (pid) of Both Parent and Child

This program shows how to create process and display Process ID (pid) of Both Parent and Child processes. The process is created using the fork system call in UNIX (Linux) operating systems.

main(int argc,char **argv)

How to use fork and exec System Call

Using fork and exec System calls in Linux (UNIX) operating systems. Fork system call is used to create a child process from a parent process.

How to use exit() System call

C program to show how to use exit system call. The function exit() is used to exit from a process (or to terminate a process). This works both in Linux or UNIX and Windows operating systems.


How to make parent process wait till Completion of Child Process (Joining parent with child process)

How to make the parent process wait till the completion of execution of child process. The following C program makes the parent process to wait till the completion of its child process.


How to make Child process an Orphan Process

C program in Linux or Unix to make a child process orphan:

Making child as orphan
