Showing posts with label assembly. Show all posts
Showing posts with label assembly. Show all posts

Intel 8085 Microprocessor Simulator for Android Phones

Simulator application software for  8085 microprocessor intel for Android phone. samsung galaxy app download playstore full version .apk
8085 microprocessor
Intel 8085 is a basic microprocessor with 8 bit data bus. Since it is a basic microprocessor, it is included in the syllabus of many Engineering and Diploma courses. Assembly level programming for 8085 microprocessor is also part of many syllabi. The same microprocessor kit is also available in many colleges for practicals. So, it is inevitable to have an Intel 8085 simulator. There are some simulators available for PC. But they are not much abundant in Android apps. Here i am telling you about an 8085 simulator for your Android phone. You can find it by searching in playstore "Intel 8085 Simulator".

8085 Simulator in Playstore

Intel 8085 Microprocessor Instructions - Hex codes and Mnemonics

In this post, we will see the 8085 Microprocessor instructions and corresponding hex codes. This table is useful to hand assemble the  8085 program. In many universities, 8085 programming is included for practicals under computer science and engineering courses. Each mnemonic has its own hex codes. An assembler is a program which converts the code written in mnemonics into hexadecimal codes. The monitor program (part of microprocessor kit) translates the hex codes to corresponding actions to be performed by CPU.

Get 8085 Simulator (with assembler)  for computer

Get 8085 Simulator for Mobile